Ok, so this isn't exactly food-related, but I don't really care. Felicity...i mean...Keri Russell is pregs and engaged! Two co-workers of mine recently saw her walking around near my office one day during lunch time. They said Keri looked fabulous (especially her hair) and pregnant. And that she was with a mystery man, probably a boyfriend or something. And today I read on JustJared that not only is she pregnant, but she's also engaged as well. The mystery dude is Shane Deary. His last name is Deary, how adorable is that. If she took his last name, she'd be Keri Deary. What a Julia Goolia name. Here is a picture of all the cuteness that is Keri Russell from the Just Jared website. She looks so happy and cute...love the hat too. He's got that hey-i-was-just-wandering-around-Williamsburg-and-boom
-i-impregnated-Felicity look going on. Everyone may mock and ridicule me for liking the show Felicity, and yeah, so what if I watched Season 4 for 3 months straight, and ok, maybe the last episode made me tear up, but I don't care! I'll always be a Keri fan.
I am with you! Felicity was my favorite show, and there really is no one as adorable as Keri Russell! I am so happy for her!