Today has been one of those days when you are woken up at 6 AM by the sounds of garbage trucks and migrating birds and everything goes downhill from there. The train was packed, at the deli I got white toast instead of whole wheat toast with my scrambled eggs (i know i'm being nitpicky, but I am very particular about my breakfast sandwiches and I am not going to apologize for that!) And THEN at work, I come down with a severe case of writer's block and i'm sitting in front of my computer staring blankly at the screen and getting annoyed because i can't read my boss' handwriting and you know how there are those days when everyone at work is getting on your nerves, for no particular reason? All the while thinking about how much work I have to get done by the end of the day. Ugh.
So, I decided to march out of my office and over to Billy's Bakery on 9th Ave to buy myself a chocolate cupcake with chocolate buttercream icing. Even though I am still a little pissy for no reason, this perfect little mound of chocolate, butter and sugar has made me feel much better. The cupcake looks and tastes exactly like the cupcakes at Sugar Sweet Sunshine. Creamy icing, moist and cakey cake. They also offer yellow cupcakes w/ vanilla icing, red velvet, german chocolate and carrot cake. Goodbye.
Wow...can't wait to see you tonight!