Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Juice Truck in Chelsea

There's this awesome new juice truck that's parked at the northeast corner of 19th street and 6th avenue. The truck (i didn't see a formal name) serves up 25 kinds of fruit shakes and 10 kinds of vegetable juices for prices starting at $3 for a small. I got the #25: a pineapple, strawberry, mango and orange juice shake. It was cold and refreshing. It could have been a little thicker, but that's about the only complaint I have. It definitely beats waiting in line at Jamba Juice for 20 minutes and paying $5 for a tiny little drink. I spied a vegetable juice that includes celery, spinach and ginger. Gross or tasty? I'm not sure. The juice truck is on location at least Mon-Fri 9-5 (i'm not sure if it's there on the weekends) and is parked about 5 steps away from a Halal truck. It's a brilliant idea really - why aren't there more juice trucks around the city? Lets hope it cuts into Jamba Juice's market share...that place annoys me. AND they still use syrofoam cups in this day and age.

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